Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I don't know if I have cravings, it's more like I forget about a food then rediscover it and eat it non-stop. My first trimester was pogo's, V8, and apples. Second trimester was soy milk, broccoli and danishes, my third trimester so far in it's infancy has been iceberg lettuce, Rolaids, and macaroni and cheese.

I bought a bottle of V8 remembering how much I loved it in my first trimester, I have yet to crack it open.

Nutrition was a big concern for me. In the beginning I was working a lot of hours, and needed the right kind of calories to make it through the day. I remember planning lunches hoping I wouldn't run out of food or water. I seldom did, but it did involve carrying a lot of extra weight into the woods with me every day.

When my job ended I started looking into the kinds of food I was eating. I was soon to cut out meat, then dairy, then eggs. I stayed this way for a couple months, then started to slowly introduce dairy back into my diet. I thought I had developed lactose intolerance, but I think it just grossed me out.

Now I have reached a balance. I eat cheese, but drink vegetable milk. I eat eggs, but only organic free range. Meat is harder, I don't eat much if any. I don't trust packaged meat, and the stuff in the grocery store makes me shiver. When and if I decide to eat meat again it will have to be from organic animals.

There is so much information out there regarding nutrition and pregnancy I have to trust my gut, and since there is a little boy swimming around in it everything I put in my mouth is put in his too. That being said, dinner will be macaroni and cheese (with a side of broccoli and cake).


Anonymous said...

A side of broccoli and cake??

Ha ha! That's too much.

Joylinn R said...

LOL those are like my 3 fav things.. can i come for dinner?

The Maven said...
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Amanda K. said...

Declan's diet in the third trimester was made up largely of Wendy's. No wonder he had hearing loss and an extra tooth :P

(The above comment was mine, but I was logged in with my other account. I'm trying to keep uniformity!)