Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I had my baby shower over the weekend. It was very fun, and a little overwhelming. About thirty ladies piled into my bungalow all with brightly papered gifts.

Once everyone was seated, the hour and a half gift opening started. So many tiny outfits, and blankets, toys and diapers. I am still trying to make sense of everything.

Once the baby shower happens, all that is left is for the baby to come. At the midwife office yesterday she said "you are almost full term". Hearing her say this made me realize that I am almost full term. I am sitting at 33 weeks today.

I guess we'd better find a name, and soon.

1 comment:

Joylinn R said...

33 weeks! so exciting.

i remember my shower for Emma. to me there was 500 people in a party room and it looked like a gift explosion and all i wanted to do was eat and nap LOL