Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oh Emma.. LOL

*background info* my mom is gay. she is happily married to her partner, Bev. They had a union in 2002 and were married in 2003. they have a little apartment, 2 cats, a car and a bitchin trailer. they live and work not far from here and i am really close to my mom. so we see them often. so Emma has 2 grandmothers - mamere (my mom) and Bev (who she refers to sometimes as Grandpa Bev, crazy inside joke since she was just little cause Bev is the butch out of the 2.)

so today my step sister, Bobbie Jo, Bev's daughter, and i were sitting here. she had taken Emma to the Wave pool today. Emma had a blast and mommy got to sit around and do nothing for a couple of hours.

they got back and Bobbie and i were just sitting around, screwing around on the net when Emma came flying in the computer room.

'I need some paper mom. i want to draw a picture for Mamere and Bev'

No problem. she grabs the paper and takes off just as fast as she came in. i heard her plunk her self down. then there was silence, then there was this cute little giggle coming back into the room.

'look! its mamere and Bev! Mamere is the tall one and Bev is the little one'

of course, that makes sense because my mom is 5'10 and Bev is about 5'7 so great job!

then she showed me the picture and Bobbie Jo and i just cracked up and pulled out our cameras to take a pic. its that cute/funny.

LOL how funny is she. so cute. i love her to death


The Maven said...

Emma is hilarious! I love her picture! LOL

Brandy Jackson said...

That is so Cute!