Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Snow Days... SUCK!

we have had more days this season where the buses are canceled due to weather then any year i can remember.

its ridiculous.

but we are still no where close to near the snowfall record for Ottawa. i heard on the news the other night we are off by 110 cms.

this is the second day this week in fact where there is no school for this reason. Emma hates it. she loves going to school. she has since day one. i actually use it as a form of almost punishment. serioulsy. 'Emma this is your last chance, if you dont do what i told you, you are not going to school tomorrow!'. you want to see a girl work fast after that. its pretty funny.

so now she is sitting, watching 'are we done yet' and eating fruit salad. because its really slippery out we cant really go walking so i think we are gonna bake. we have to do something interesting or we are both gonna go nutty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so. tired. of. snow.