Monday, March 10, 2008


Enough already. I'm not writing like I should be and I'm going to remedy that. I scrapbooked in all my spare time last week. Then I got sick. Who wants to write when they're sick? Then it snowed and, ug, who wants to hear about my disgust with that? Then it snowed more. And more. And more.

But worse than the snow even was that Chicka caught the cold that had knocked me on my arse.

Crazy Amounts of Snow
1 Sick Mommy
1 Sick Baby
1 Unhappy Household

In spite of the coughing that's going on today, both of us are feeling marginally better. Thank goodness because it was seriously breaking my heart to see my girl feeling so crappy. My normally very active, mobile baby was lethargic and sad yesterday. She whimpered and cuddled and sat still. 3 things that she normally doesn't do.

Danica's been sick before but not to this degree. I just wasn't prepared for how I would feel. I mean, there was nothing I could do aside from try to comfort her and give her something to break her fever.

It true what they say about having a child is allowing your heart to go walking around outside of your body because yesterday my heart was laying on the floor whimpering and all I could do was scoop her up and hope for the best.

1 comment:

Joylinn R said...

poor little monkey.. i hope she gets better quick.. and you too *hugs*