Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hurry up and wait.

I am finally full term. Feels like a lifetime ago I found out I was pregnant on a hot September morning. Now it's spring and I am ready to burst.

I am 37 weeks, and technically I can go into labour anytime, but I know it will probably be another month of waiting. I am ok with this, I can use the next few weeks to freak myself out and fully enjoy the end of pregnancy irritations.

It is 2:20am. I had almost a week of sleeping through the night, and now I am back to waking up for a few hours every morning. A combination of heartburn, hunger and braxton hicks is what does it. Having to sleep on the couch doesn't help either.

Aside from being awake between one and four am, and my limited mobility I am doing well. I still manage to exercise everyday, and even have convinced hubby to join me on his days off. (He is starting to notice sympathy weight around his midsection)


Joylinn R said...

tee hee! i am so excited.

our first ottawamoms newborn!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear all the details! You'll be the first person I know that will have a homebirth.