Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The light at the end of the tunnel

Ok, ok! I'm here! I'm sorry! I've been a horrible contributer. That's going to stop now.

Please blame the never ending ear infections afflicting my poor toddler. I've had very little time to formulate a thought beyond 'I need food' or 'child requires cuddling' or 'need to give child medicine again'. I trip over messes in my house and make plans in my head about how I'm going to clean it or what great things we're going to do outside the home when Jackson feels better.

I've had a month of this inner blather. A month with sick children and snow. Even with all the warm weather we've been having there's still a foot of snow out there. Today we were outside and I could see most of my driveway, part of the walkway and the grass around the oil furnace fill pipe. And the worst part? I got excited about it. Excited! About... That. Ugh. I'm disgusted.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, or at least a puddle at the end of the driveway. Puddles mean melting and melting means snow disappears and snow disappearing means Spring. Correct? Please tell me I'm correct. I think I have just enough sanity remaining if I stay positive.

Jackson will get better. Spring will come. I will win the lottery.

I'm probably pushing it just a little bit with the positive thinking.


Toria/Deb said...

Awww *hugs* for you Amanda. Yeah, it's been a never-ending winter. And sick toddlers with ear-infections are the worst sort of thing to have to cope with, day in, day out for a stay-at-mom. My deepest sympathies. Yes, I do hope Spring arrives SOON!

Joylinn R said...

when you win can you buy me a house?