Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What a "lovely" Easter

Well, if you count hacking, coughing, finding the cough syrup, taking daily doses of Advil and Children's Advil, and finding a bucket at 11 pm on Saturday night for Sarah to throw up into, yeah we had a lovely Easter. Victoria was the only one bouncing around on Easter Sunday morning, eager for the chocolate. No, didn't go to church *surprise surprise* Thankfully Tim had the day off on Monday anyhow. So, didn't do anything much over the Easter weekend.

Hope all of your Easters were better than ours! *smiles*


Joylinn R said...

yucky. i hope you are feeling better

Amanda K. said...

Oh fun! What is this awful bug going around lately? I think we had it as well, but perhaps a bit milder. Brutal!

Hope you guys are feeling better.